- Details
- Written by winechit
- Category: FAQ
- Hits: 3467
1. What is compulsory saving?
Compulsory saving is saving collected and obtained from the customer that is not more than 5% on loan disbursement amount according to Myanmar Microfinance Law.
2. What is the reason for accepting compulsory saving from customers?
To enhance the saving practice of our customers and support lifestyle.
3. How much is the interest rate for compulsory saving?
According to Myanmar Microfinance law ,the interest rate is 14% per annum. For more detail please clickhere.
4. How much is a compulsory saving amount for loan disbursement?
A compulsory saving amount is 1,000 MMK per loan disbursement.
5. How long will AEON keep saving amount for the customer?
AEON will keep saving amount until end of the loan term.
6. How can customers withdraw the saving amount at the end of the loan term?
According to the Myanmar Microfinance Law, AEON will offset and calculated the saving amount against the last payment of the loan term at interest 14% per annual. Therefore, we respectfully inform the customer reduced to pay the saving amount in the last payment.
- Details
- Written by winechit
- Category: FAQ
- Hits: 4378
1. What is AEON Customer Service Hotline number?
AEON Customer Service Hotline number is 09-969712111 (09:00 AM to 05:30 PM). Currently, we have temporarily suspended the loan services due to the current System Enhancement. When the services are resumed, we will make an announcement again. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
2. What is AEON Customer Service Hotline operation hours?
AEON Customer Service Hotline operation hours is 09:00 AM to 05:30 PM, Monday to Sunday. Currently, we have temporarily suspended the loan services due to the current System Enhancement. When the services are resumed, we will make an announcement again. We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.
- Details
- Written by winechit
- Category: FAQ
- Hits: 5282
1. How can customers apply AEON S-Loan Scheme?
Customers can apply AEON S-Loan Scheme via designated application points together with required documents. For more information of Aeon S-Loan scheme, please click here.
2. How many participants are needed to apply for AEON S-Loan?
There are two participants to apply for S-Loan. Applicant and guarantor.
3. Any age criteria to apply AEON's S- Loan Scheme?
Applicant and guarantor must be the age of 18 to under 60 years old. For more information of S-Loan please click here.
4. Can students apply AEON's S-Loan Scheme?
Based on AEON's criteria, students are not entitled yet to apply for AEON's S-Loan Scheme. The student can apply S-Loan (Education) at via designated institute. For more information of S-Loan (Education) pleaseclick here.
5. How many items can customer apply at application points for AEON S-Loan?
Customer can apply one item at application points for S-Loan.
6. Will every application be approved after applying from application points?
No, AEON will only provide S-Loan to entitled customers by assessment all information and documents provided.
7. How can customers know their application result after confirming application data from application form?
AEON will send SMS to customer' mobile for the status of Loan application. For further information , please mail to csinfo@aeoncredit.com.mm or call 09-969 712 111.
8. How can customer utilize the loan from designated application points after approval from AEON?
Customer himself/herself can go to application points to utilize the loan by showing sms from mobile along with his/her Original NRC.
9. When can customer takes out the loan after get SMS approved from AEON.
Customer can take out the loan at application points within 15 days.
10. How can customer utilize the loan if customer not receive or lost approval SMS or wrong delete SMS from mobile?
Only applicant can request approval code number from AEON hotline number 09 9697 12111.
- Details
- Written by winechit
- Category: FAQ
- Hits: 4991
1. How much is the interest rate?
According to Myanmar Microfinance law, effective interest rate is calculated by not more than 28% annually. For more detail please click here.
2. Are there any service charges apart from interests?
Yes, customers have to pay processing fees depend on loan amount per application at agent after loan approval and no need to pay if the applicantion was rejected or cancelled. For more detail please click here.
3. Are there any service charges apart from interests for S-Loan (Motorcycle)?
Yes, customers have to pay processing fees depend on loan amount per application at agent after loan approval and no need to pay if the application was rejected or cancelled. For more detail please click here.
- Details
- Written by winechit
- Category: FAQ
- Hits: 4197
1. What is designated application point and where is it located?
The place where customers can apply AEON S-Loan Scheme & handle for accepting customer applications. For more information of Aeon application points and addresses , please click here.
Event & News
Customer Service Hotline Operation Hours Changes , 2025-03-10
We would like to respectfully inform you that the AEON Customer Service Hotline will be temporarily unavailable on 12,13 and 14 March 2025
The Fullmoon Day of Tabaung , 2025-03-10
AEON Microfinance (Myanmar) Co, Ltd wishes all our valued customers health, prosperity, and peace on the Fullmoon Day of Tabaung.